So...most of you know I am on top of taking care of things for my dad down in Baltimore since his stroke/heart attack on 9/9/09... But Because of that, he is often "on my mind"...So are memories... my dad had this guy who used to pay him for his services by doing work for my dad, we'll call him Gigi. I will never forget how when hadn't done the work that was supposed to be done, he would always tell my dad, "Yes sir, I'm gettin' ready to do that..." The reason I tell you this, is because I have spent several days cleaning up my studio and getting organized(mainly because my wheel parts are in INDIANA getting fixed and I am stuck without my wheel that I stand at... and frankly haven't embarked on trying the new desk top wheel) So, I feel like I'm "GETTIN' READY"... which, in Gigi's case was a procrastination comment... or thought to be... is that the same with me? You decide.
For now, here are some photos of my "CLEAN" studio: