I am still working and developing and playing with clays(with out MANGANESE) and throwing and carving and manipulating and texturing and glazing and not glazing...
but I have a few photos I feel like I can post....
The ones that have glaze on the outside creating a texture were re-fired after I was unhappy without something else making the inside and the outside of the pieces relate and create a cohesive unit.
I am moving back and forth between these ideas...
Glaze, no glaze, clear glaze texture, smoothness...
In the background are pieces that i have been working with wedging bits of clay in contrast colors into the mound and then throwing and carving... and also throwing and layering up other slips in other clay colors to carve through, reveal... etc...
My head is spinning... just like my wheel!
Trying to enjoy the trip as I am usually wired to focus on the very end result..