February 19, 2012

My Dear Friend Pam

It has been a long strange trip since my dear friend was diagnosed with A.L.S.
a few months over 5 years ago...
I have posted about her several times ...
HERE you will connect to all of them...

Many of you read about her years ago and commented...
I used to tell her... For a WHILE now, all she was able to do is move her eye slightly to
respond yes or no...
She had a will to live I believe and she held out for a very long time...
Tonight around 6pm...she passed on....
I say passed on because I believe her soul, her energy needed freedom from the
prison her body had become.
I mean it... this is what I believe.
This is what I told my sons...
My 11 year old was very visibly upset and very angry that this horrible illness and
end of life had happened to such a good person...
He told me he would get rid of all the pottery collected
and my pottery if it had happened as it would be too hard for him...
I told him.."No!"...Don't you see.?..
My energy and spirit is in each piece and the pieces from these
other artists hold some of their energy and ours from us choosing
to have them around us..."
I feel that we are all part of a bigger energy and God holds our energy....
(I could expound upon this concept but long story short:
I feel organized religion and explanations
in English or Hebrew basically describe -with a humanizing effect -what I am saying...
Therefore it all works for me.)
I believe Pam's energy will continue to be with us and is with me now...
palpable,even....I miss her too...
I have missed her for a long time.... I am sad. I am solemn. I love her.
I know she loves me too... she told me... I told her.
Remember to do that...it goes a long way...
Perhaps it goes beyond.