We are back from Whistler... Just adults...
No Kids... CRAZY... No sleep because we took a red eye and
I am in that exhausted buzz place right now waiting to CRASH.
It was a good break from the intensity of Pam leaving us...
Here are some of the snow board photos...
P.S. I am still with my husband of 18 years even though
I ended up having to wiggle down a cliff of sorts at one point!

Additionally, the 8 Fluid Oz. Cup Show has uploaded all of the images...
My cup has sold but it is nice to see the whole show!
I also had 2 cups accepted into The Coffee, Tea, Or ...? Show
at Terra Incognito Studios in Illinois.
My cup even made the poster:

Sadly, the correct spelling of my name,however,
did NOT get into the show... But... you can't have EVERYTHING!
I can't wait to get back into my studio but of course...
ther is laundry and errands and did I mention LAUNDRY??